Building and growing a reputable Dirtmoving business is hard! We make it a hell of a lot easier, quicker, more predictable, less stressful and way more fun with the most effective platform for rapidly scaling any Dirtmoving business.
Dear Dirtmover,
We get it.
Growing a solid, reputable business is hard, really hard!
You’re probably worried about when and where your next job will come from.
Stressed and sleeping like a teething toddler as your hair goes grey from all the uncertainty.
To top it all off you’re being pulled in a million and one directions.
“Fuck should I advertise on the radio, should I mail drop, put another ad up on the local notice board, get more signs made for the ute and machines, document my whole fucking life on Instagram”
What about Tictok.
Errrrbody’s talkin’ about Tictok let me give them a go.
Actually I should run some Facebook ads, drop 3K on a new logo, post on LinkedIn 5 times per day.
Nah, I got it!
What about building a beautiful shiny new website?
Yeah that’s it. It’s just what I need to get more contracts.
*Somebody please poke my eyes out.*
Look, most entrepreneurs have a bad case of shiny object syndrome mixed with a scoop of A-D-D and a sprinkle of “I can do everything.”
And they end up doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Soon they are tearing their hair out with all the things they have to do.
We call this shit show “Being in a Real Fuckery”
Also known as hell.
And It’s fucked being in hell.
We would rather rub cat piss in our eyes than operate a business that way.
But this isn’t about us…it’s about you.
You’re reading this right now because in some way shape or form your business isn’t where you want it to be.
Even though you put in a backbreaking amount of work.
Pushing, shovelling, scratching, clawing and hustling your ass off to get here
Or maybe you’re flying high and simply want more.
More security.
More money.
More freedom.
More memories.
More time with your family.
More legroom.
More business-class flights with your spouse to places that result in more sand between your toes.
Whatever it is for you..
We’ve got good news for you.
‘Cause soon you’ll be feeling like “Fuck yeah I got this”
You’ll be waking up every morning to an inbox bursting with eager-to-buy leads.
You’ll be consistently and predictably getting more new clients and contracts then you possibly know what to do with.
Regardless of what’s going on in the economy.
And you won’t have to spend your weekends worrying about work any more.
Everything will be dialled in and running smoothly.
You’ll be in control and a sense of calm will wash over you.
And it all starts by hitting the button below
We’ve built a FREE 36 page guide on how to setup and utilise Google My Business. Get the most out of google and MAXIMISE your business’s exposure.
Fill in the form below to receive your FREE copy now!
My name is Michael and I started DirtMovers after working as a heavy machinery operator and mechanic for 15+ years. I’ve worked in the remotest parts of Australia and on the flip side for one of Australia’s biggest earthmoving magazines and websites. I’ve seen how under served this industry is, and the struggle contractors face with online marketing.
Things like:
My mission is to make online marketing for DirtMovers as raw as our everyday job. I see the pride that so many DirtMovers have in their work, I’ve felt that! And I want to showcase that in a way that represents the Dirtmoving industry how it should be!
I don’t want to bore you with the media jargon and cookie-cutter outcomes. I want your online platform to match your level of pride, match your business, and I want it to be seen by the people that you want to contract to.
That’s why Dirt Movers are here.
You could have a powerful supercharged marketing system in your business.
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